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30 Minutes - $30

60 Minutes - $60


  • Therapeutic Massage

  • Prenatal Massage

  • Infant Massage

  • Cupping

  • Chair Massage (15 Minute session only) - $15


Therapeutic Massage


Therapeutic massage is a targeted massage that addresses complaints of chronic or acute pain. It can help with Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Sciatica, Headaches, and general aches and pains.


Pregnancy Massage

Massage during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pain, improve lymphatic and blood circulation. Studies have shown a reduction in "stress hormones" in women who received bi-weekly massages. This led to fewer instances of complications during birth. Proper positioning will be used for comfort for the expectant mother.


Infant Massage

Ideal for babies 3 weeks to pre-crawling. Benefits include: promotes sleep, healthy digestion, sensory stimulation, boosts immune system, parent-infant bonding, reduce symptoms of colic. Infant massage is performed by the parent with guidance from the therapist.


Chair Massage

Sessions lasting typically 10-20 minutes done in a specifically designed massage chair. The client is fully clothed and areas of focus are neck, back, hips, arms and hands.



Cupping feels like a massage from the inside out. It breaks up tissues (muscle and fascia) to help ease muscle tightness and pain. It draws out toxins in the body. Cupping helps to reduce fever, cough, recovering from illnesses, it can help with Frozen shoulder and sports related aches and pains. Cupping can also be performed on the abdomen to help with digestive issues.


Restrictions for receiving Cupping:

Under age 7, pregnancy, women on their menses, elderly or frail, bleeding prone disease, new fractures, infectious skin diseases, people who are fasting, and critical illnesses.


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